Just how far do these ripples go?

Today, I received a donation from someone wishing to help me continue my campaign. It was as much unexpected as it was appreciated It’s funny how even long after the stone cast into the water has sunk to the bottom, the ripples emanating from that initial action continue to spread outwards into the world. So,…


Support for My Sisters

First off, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of my supporters. Your generous contributions have helped make a difference in someone’s life this winter… This month, I’d like to ask others to do likewise by joining my campaign to help provide some semblance of civil amenities to help our sisters, mothers, and…


New Year. New Site.

Currently, I am working on a website to help supplement the Crowdrise campaign. I hope to have it up and running by the beginning of February. Purchases of Cocoon Kits and Pocket Packs will be available on the site at that time. Well that’s it for the first week of the year update. Thanks again…


One Month Down… Four to go.

For those of you keeping score… in the four weeks since Giving Tuesday (Nov. 29), six kits (three large and three small), have found their way into the hands of people who needed them. Additionally, from October 30th, at least 20 Pocket Packs have been handed out in lieu of spare change.